Please contact us if you are interested in spending the day with us learning this old world trade. Pre-purchase is available. This could make a wonderful gift for someone.
A Gift Certificate can be mailed to you upon request.
INTRODUCTION CLASS (*pre-requisite to all other classes):
In this beginner's class, you will learn a series of key blacksmithing techniques and the foundations of practical skills for making decorative ironwork. We will also explore the history and background of the craft in addition to forge safety and efficient use of the tools.
Throughout the course of the day, students will develop their skill and technique to make their very own hand crafted item to take home, while enjoying the creative process. The opportunity to create, not just observe the movement of hot steel, the goal is your discovery of the satisfaction of seeing a completed, tangible and functional piece of art.
Private classes available upon request for booking of four people.
AXE MAKING CLASS (must have completed Intro class previously):
In this class, students will design and smith their own axes. We will be forging high carbon steel and drifting the steel into the desired axe shape. The process is continued by hardening, tempering and grinding the axe head. Your custom creations will be completed by mounting your forged axe head onto a solid wooden handle.
Contact us if you are interested in a particular date or if you are interested in holding a private class (4 students).
Classes are cancelled if the minimum number of participants is not met or if weather is not condusive.
No need to have a date to book your space in a class yet. We will book dates after classes are purchased and find the perfect date with a group suited to your skill set.
It’s essential to have good sets of tongs for blacksmithing so that you can firmly hold hot metal that you’re working with. You’ll need different sizes and styles to match the thickness and shapes of the metal that you’re using in your projects. A blacksmith can’t have too many pairs of tongs. We have recently developed a tong-making class for blacksmithing students who’ve taken our "Intro to Blacksmithing" class. We will spend the day working on one approach to making a simple set of tongs, specific to the use in your hobby shop at home.

Click here to inquire.
Rather than purchasing a specific date, the gift certifcate allows for any future date to be chosen as spaces is available.